Back in August, I went through a Dylan-song obsession of sorts.
The whole story is over at my education/teaching website, but to put it briefly, Kevin came home one day with a song on his mind that led us to think of other versions of that song that led me to a way of teaching a unit on the writer’s voice.
The song was “I Shall Be Released” and has always been one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs. But I really had no idea how many different versions of the song have been played and recorded. Seriously.
Well, it wasn’t long after that school started, and I was sucked into my workaholic alter-ego, and neither Kevin nor I remembered that we had actually recorded the song ourselves sometime in the course of those two or three days.
And then yesterday I was looking through some folders and serendipity!
It’s loud, with a lot of background hiss, since I recorded it on my laptop with the system’s basic voice-recording program. And my voice is feeding back a LOT. So you may want to turn your speakers down a bit before you hit play. 😉