I just can’t understand how someone can be so concerned with pleasing God and still fail so miserably.
It seems like whatever I do is wrong. It doesn’t seem like I’m getting any closer to holiness. I’m still fighting the same old demons: the O.C.D., the anger, the selfishness, the pride, the seemingly everything.
I guess some people (like Jo) think I’m very critical of them, but that’s nothing compared to how critical I am of myself. I pray that God will make me perfectly holy without any stain, blemish, or anything that even remotely resembles sin. I hope He does that right now as I’m writing this and I remain holy forever, without exception.
That’s what I want more than anything.
I want God to wash me perfectly clean like a freshly baptized person, and I want to be totally forgiven of my sins and of any punishment due to sin. I want God to totally guide me in everything I do.
I don’t want free will. I want God’s will to be my will.
I don’t want to cuss, be angry, be impatient, be selfish, be hurtful, be unkind, be arrogant. I want to love everyone and everyone love me.
God is love. No love = no God.
I want every morsel of my molecules to be love.
It seems as if my patron saint was the perfect fit because he is who I am least like, but also who I really need to be like.
But I seem to run from these things. Sometimes I think God is trying to force me toward John of the Cross, the Brown Scapular, and the Crucifix. And I seem to shy away from all of them sometimes.
Perhaps it’s fear. I don’t feel like I really know what God wants. More often than not, I feel like He wants me to sincerely try to be like John of the Cross. I think He wants me to be as much like him as I can possibly be in my state of life. This would probably require me to study the Crucifix intensely and to wear the Brown Scapular that I’ve been vested with.
In my heart, I want holiness, but I seem to be fighting something bigger than me. Maybe that’s Satan.
God, I need you to clear the way for me to serve you completely and faithfully as a Catholic, father, and husband. I love my wife and kids and truly desire to be the best husband and father for them. I want to be sweet, gentle, kind, loving, honorable, understanding, patient, and considerate. I want to be a great listener. I want to be a person in tune with everyone else’s needs and concerns.
“He must increase. I must decrease.”
God, please hear my cries. Please do not let me continue to disappoint You and my family. Please pour me right now into the mold of the perfect saint, Mary. I want all my prayers and hopes and dreams to go through her to Jesus to God. I want all that I am to go through Mary. Please do not let me sin anymore. God, please let me bask in your sunlight forever as the model Catholic, husband, father, worker, servant, and friend. Please hear my cries, in the name of Jesus through Your beautiful example of holiness, Mary. I love you God.
It’s so easy for me to get stuck in a certain spiritual place.
Work is really hard. So many people cursing and being mean and talking about each other. I have fallen into that trap so many times. With God’s help, I won’t sin anymore (not even at that seemingly God-forsaken prison). I have to be perfectly holy starting now and never ending.
I am grateful for Mary’s guidance. She used the rosary to guide me to the Church. It’s time to remove this empty cross and to wear my rosary and Scapular. I will also carry my beautiful Tiger’s Eye rosary that Jo gave me. That rosary is my favorite ever, but I also love the other one, the Lapis Lazuli, that Jo gave me. It has the Scapular attached to it. That rosary and I have been through an awful lot together.
I believe God desires me to be as much like John of the Cross as I can possibly be, so I will wear my Lapis rosary with Brown Scapular attached and live as much like John as I can by practicing Carmelite spirituality. I will have my special Tiger’s Eye rosary to pray with. I need that Crucifix to look at and meditate upon because Jesus is the perfect example of selflessness and sacrifice for others.
Nothing says Catholic like the rosary , the Brown Scapular, and the Crucifix. I am Catholic to my very core. I would very willingly die for my beliefs in the truth.
John of the Cross, please make me like you as much as is possible and make me truly worthy to call you my patron saint and worthy to be your namesake. Please enable me and make me wear the Carmelite Brown Scapular forever and to carry my Tiger’s Eye rosary forever. Please, through your intercession with God, make this happen and don’t let me ever consider any other options and be tempted by Satan. I also want to wear my Wedding Ring forever to show my love for my beautiful wife. Please!!
Kevin R. Hawke (John of the Cross)
January 23, 2012
Photo courtesy of the rosary’s creator at Heartfelt Rosaries.
(posted from email with permission)
Hello Kevin,
I had not read your Heart’s Desire! It was wonderful! Do you think Satan wants you to be in God’s will? No, he wants you to be in his will, so that he can control you. He wants you to be more concerned about the things of the world than you are about what He wants. I am sure you know that, whenever we are pressing in and desiring to serve God, that is when satan can come against us full force. Just remember who wins, and it is not satan. You have the right desire and that is the beginning of growing in Holiness. Allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us is the answer. We have no power without Him. Every day ask the Holy Spirit to fill your heart, attend Mass and receive the Eucharist whenever you can, go to Adoration, develop special prayer times and study the Word of God. I know you are already doing many of these things. I am certainly not the one to preach to anyone. I have my own struggles and I am constantly in need of encouragement and support and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Just pick one area that you want to improve in and then ask the Lord to help you. Just focus on one thing at a time, trusting that God is with you. He will never leave you or forsake you. I praise God for your wonderful grandmother, and the example that she set for you. I am so incredibly proud of you and your family. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta wrote a beautiful prayer that I want to memorize and say until it gets in my spirit:
LORD, open our eyes that we may SEE YOU in our brothers and sisters.
LORD, open our ears that we may HEAR the cries of the hungry, the cold, the frightened, the oppressed.
LORD, open our hearts that we may LOVE each other as You love us.
LORD, renew in us Your Spirit, make us FREE and make us ONE.
Tom and I were so honored to be the ones to sponsor you and Jo when you came into the church. Your whole family is very special to us.
Love, Bev