I found this old draft (from last year, I guess?), and rather than delete, I thought I’d share, since it’s pretty funny stuff.
Err…I guess I should put a sidebar here noting that I’m not usually noted for being a great judge of what’s funny, but whatever.
After dinner the other night, Lucas asked me to look up Nyan Cat because Kevin and I had never heard of it. While we were watching the original Nyan Cat video, Kevin declared, “I can feel my IQ points dropping.”
After watching clips of both Nyan Cat and Tac Nayn, Kevin gave the experience a thumbs-down this way: “So in the last five minutes I’ve seen the dumbest thing I’ve seen all day and the second dumbest thing I’ve seen all day.”
When we read that Nyan Cat was fifth on YouTube’s most-watched list for 2011, he again was not amused: “That tells you something about how many people are swimming in the shallow end.”
Ha! I love that man … Even if he did roll his eyes through Spamalot on Broadway.