Category Archives: Music

My ’84 ‘Let Me Be There’ Cover

[audio-clammr mp3=”https://everysecondofeveryday.comwp-content/uploads/2012/02/let-me-be-there-1984.mp3″]

This cover of Olivia Newton-John’s “Let Me Be There” was recorded in the summer of 1984 at Songmasters on the Boardwalk, Surfside Beach, SC.

I was 14, almost 15, at the beach with my church youth group.

It wasn’t my best performance, though I don’t cringe at the imperfections like my old self did. Now, I can smile and shake my head and say, not bad. :)

Read about how I transferred the recording from the old cassette tape to my laptop here.

Digitizing Old Cassette Tapes

It all started with Kevin’s being on an Elvis kick lately.

It’s a recurrent one with him; he really grew up listening to and emulating Elvis. It’s probably one of the major reasons he learned to play and sing. The story is that when he was really little, he used to stand on the steps in his grandparents’ living room and pretend to be Elvis, hips shaking and all. (Too bad we don’t have a video of that!)

So yesterday on the way home from work, an Elvis CD was playing in the car. (I don’t remember which one, and Kevin’s working right now.) The song, “Let Me Be There” came on, and he asked if I knew who’d done it originally.

Olivia Newton-John, of course! Even though the key was all wrong for me, I sang along with Elvis and his backup singers, remembering most every word. As anyone’s who’s played music with me would attest, I must’ve sung this one a lot! ;)

I remembered then that I had recorded the song when I was a teenager at one of those walk-in studios where they put you in a booth with some headphones and play a vocal-less track while you sing. I knew I had that tape somewhere!

And there it was, in the big crate of cassettes that I still haven’t gotten rid of: everything from the Eagles and Madonna to outtakes of my radio station days.

It was summer of 1984. I was still 14, at the beach with my church youth group. The tape says, Songmasters on the Boardwalk, Surfside Beach, SC. I wish I could remember who went with me to that studio that day. (Click here to listen.)

Kevin and I listened, and I noticed myself not cringing where I remembered so well having cringed all those years ago. I think I’m bad now, but I was raw with insecurity back then, so self-critical, so self-absorbed…

There is a faint dialogue long after the music ends. The only thing I can really understand is me saying, “It won’t that good.”

It won’t that good. Haha. I must’ve dropped that subject-verb disagreement along with the redundant hose pipe, cutting off the light, and pronouncing coupon “Q-pon.” ;)

So I sorted through the crate and found a lot of other recordings: some from church, some from band shows, another one of these “studio” recordings.

Kevin and I discussed how to get the music from the tape on the stereo to the computer…preferably with as little outside noise as possible.

After we picked up Atticus from the YMCA, we went to Radio Shack and looked around at the cords. Nothing really looked right.

While I was cooking dinner, Kevin checked out the input/output situation on the stereo and laptop. He said if anything would work it would be a cord with two male ends, one 1/8 inch and the other 1/4 inch.

He took the little converter thingy from his big headphones that makes a 1/8-inch end into an 1/4-inch end and put it on one end of the 1/8-inch cord that runs from my laptop speaker output into the mini-speakers we use all the time. The cord was complete.

And then today, I tried it out.

I plugged the 1/8-inch end into my laptop’s microphone input and plugged the 1/4-inch end into the stereo’s headphone output.

I had to go into Audacity and tweak the preferences, so the recording mic was set to “external” instead of “internal,” and there it was!!!!!

I had to turn down the volume quite a bit, and the quality’s not that great, since the original was very noisy and has deteriorated more over these many years. I’m sure someone with more audio-editing proficiency than me could improve it immensely. For now, I’m just glad to be able to save and share our artifacts.

I’ll postHere is my “Let Me Be There” cover later today…and many more to come!

Monday Morning, Monday

The kids and I have a goal: a special “get up” song for each day of the week.

Okay, it’s more my goal than theirs, though they do sing along a lot. And at the rate we’re going, we’ll be lucky to have one song completed before they graduate from high school. LOL

This piece of a something is in the running for — you guessed it! — Monday:

p.s. This is another attempt at getting my recordings from my phone to this site. The file was recorded using the TapeMachine app. I shared it to Evernote. (There was no option to share to this site via my WordPress app.) And then I used my Evernote app to share it to this site via WP. Still a convoluted process and still no player here.

Question: Do you see a player when you go to Evernote using the link above? I do on my Droid but not on my laptop using Chrome.

UPDATE: I don’t think my Evernote experiment worked very well. Or maybe I just left it a step or three too soon…I downloaded the WAV file to my laptop, converted it to MP3, and uploaded it to my server.

And voila!!

Nope, I still haven’t added anything to this particular piece…

A BIT OF TRIVIA: That “Sorry” at the end of the file was because one of my students had walked in the classroom to ask question or something. LOL I know I’m weird.

One Thing I Can Say

I must’ve been on a Billie Holiday kick when I came up with this little work in progress. Warning: It’s just a few lines and you can tell by the revision in the second time around I really have no idea where it’ll one day end up going  (if anywhere)…

UPDATE: Just ignore the Evernote. I had recorded this on my phone, and I haven’t found a streamlined process to get those files here. So I went back and downloaded, converted, uploaded:

Thank You for Everything

This is my first attempt at using Evernote to record a piece and then share it with my website, so I’m not sure how it will work out.

I’m looking for a good (and easy) way to post audio files from my mobile. I have an awesome audio recording/editing app (Tapemachine) that I may be able to use to send to Evernote…but the file sizes have to be small and space is an issue, too, with the free version.

Plus, I want the files to be playable here. It seems improbable…

Here’s the link to my little chorus:

Kevin Makes Me a Poet!

Just a few songs ago…

Kevin’s playing one of his originals while I work on novel study questions and sing along (read: partially paying attention).

He’s in one of the verses when he knows he’s singing the wrong lyrics again…

Kevin, still strumming along: “I’ve gotten to where I mess that one up every time. That’s not the one that goes there, is it?”

Me, looking up from the laptop: “I don’t know. I just follow you. So if you mess up, I do, too.”

Maybe it’ll work its way into our next song. :P

Fryed Chickin’s ‘It’s Christmas’

01 its christmas by Fryedchickin

I recorded this back in 2001, I think.

My friend Eddie Cochran had written a bunch of songs, and I went out to his and Leilani’s house many times to sing along with whatever instrumental tracks had been recorded. He had me standing in the bathroom with the door closed, headphones and mic cords trailing under the door.

I believe this is one of many that he dumped into the Flat Five studio mix, re-recording parts. I’m hazy on the technical stuff, since I, er, didn’t do any of it. :P But that might account for the timing issues. Not sure.

Eddie says it features me, him, Steve Edmunds and Carlos Morales. He would know.

Anyway, it’s a cool song, and I miss singing Eddie’s music.

ESoED Acoustic: Washington Square Park, 7/25/09

We’d been in New York for a few days already and were rich with musical experiences.

We’d been awed by the phenomenal Pat Martino the night before at the Iridium. We’d taken the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame tour at the (now-closed) Soho annex (with the awesome John Lennon exhibit). We’d bought Kevin’s Les Paul, Josephine at Rudy’s.

And we’d just been down City Hall-way to purchase a Xoom H2 recorder at JR‘s, the same one we recorded this show of sorts on.

So when we walked toward Washington Square that afternoon, planning to play a little for the homeless people and the black squirrels, we weren’t expecting to be drowned out.

Yep, down by the fountain, a guy was banging on the drums while kids did flips and stuff. And by banging, I mean BANGING.

It was frustrating then, and it was even frustrating editing these recordings. :P It would be very easy to blame the drums for taking two years to get them posted, but it wouldn’t explain the other shows sitting in my to-edit folder..

The full session with all the in-between talk and all:
[audio-clammr mp3=”″]

And the individual tracks…

  • Intro
    [audio-clammr mp3=”″]
  • Monroe’s Hornpipe
    [audio-clammr mp3=”″]
  • Let’s Shoot for the Moon§
    [audio-clammr mp3=”″]
  • Moondance
    [audio-clammr mp3=”″]
  • Jo Song #2 (‘Cause I Love You)♥ (See legal.)
    [audio-clammr mp3=”″]
  • This is WSP
    [audio-clammr mp3=”″]
  • Every Second of Every Day♥ (See legal.)
    [audio-clammr mp3=”″]
  • Georgia
    [audio-clammr mp3=”″]
  • Sitting on Top of the World
    [audio-clammr mp3=”″]
  • Willin’
    [audio-clammr mp3=”″]
  • Idle Chatter
    [audio-clammr mp3=”″]
  • Music Man♥ (See legal.)
    [audio-clammr mp3=”″]
  • Summertime
    [audio-clammr mp3=”″]

♥ Original songs © Every Second of Every Day
§ Written by and © Kevin’s uncle, Danny Cockram

Going Down the Road Feeling Bad, Bluegrass-ish

<the video won’t load… looking for a fix for this>

Part of the Bluegrass Jam at James Lynch’s house, Danville, Virginia, May 31, 2011. Kevin Hawke, vocals and guitar; Jo Hawke, vocals; Ryland Hawker, banjo; Wes Holtsford, mandolin; and Laura Liem, fiddle.

I uploaded all the pictures I had from the night, along with the audio of this song. Thanks, Animoto, for making it so easy!!

UPDATE: Songs & Pics added to Bluegrass Jam

from left: Wes, Laura, Kevin & Ryland

We’ve added additional pictures and individual song files to the 5/31 Bluegrass Jam at James Lynch’s house — featuring our cousin Wes Holtsford, his friend Laura Liem, and Kevin’s dad Ryland Hawker.

The eight songs include: The Man Who Wrote ‘Home Sweet Home’ Never Was a Married Man, Home Sweet Home, Going Down the Road Feeling Bad, Moondance, Cumberland Gap, Faded Love, Old Joe Clark, and Sally Goodin.

Go listen and let us know what you think. :)