Category Archives: Etc.

Everything that doesn’t fit elsewhere. :)

Christ Pantocrator

Jesus coin: ‘Ἰησοῦς Χριστός’

It was the coolest unexpected Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten. It was given to me a couple of years ago by my father-in-law, who is an avid historian. A Roman coin made of bronze, it was made 1,000 years before me around the year 973, during the reign of John I.

The tradition was to have the Roman emperors on the obverse, or front, of the coin. However, it was commonly believed that the world would end in the year 1,000, so people were turning toward Jesus who usually hadn’t before. It seems almost a sort of penance to put Jesus’ image on the coins.

Jesus is pictured on the front of the coin with a halo, holding a book of gospels. You can see what the image would have looked like from the mosaic above of the Christ Pantocrator (usually translated “Almighty”) that’s in the Hagia Sophia.

Even though it’s a Roman coin, the words on the back of the coin are Greek. They say, “XINSUS XRISTUS BASILEU BASILE.” It means, “Jesus Christ, King of Kings.”

The first post is the hardest.

I keep telling myself just to write something, anything.

Even if it’s bad (as it surely will be … after all, it’s the First Post), just do something. Be gone, monkey brain! Don’t fiddle with my insecurities. Sure, they’re deeply rooted, but — hey! — I’ve kept them pretty well trimmed back for the last while.

But, see, I’m sort of a perfectionist. I don’t know if that’s what causes my procrastination tendencies or vice versa, but I do know that they work well together, twining their fat evil stems in and around my every thought and action. (See how I did that?)

So, anyway, my awesome husband Kevin is usually my impetus for breaking out of bad habits. Since he’s not yet really into having a blog, though, he’s not going to “encourage” me to get it done. It’s up to me.

Maybe right now you’re thinking, imaginary reader, that the world would’ve been better off if I’d remained strangled in my weirdly weedy world.

And that’s okay. I don’t blame you. I completely understand. 🙂

Just to prove it, here’s a present:

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