Tag Archives: art

My Little Helper :)

By Atticus, who came to help me get ready for my sub yesterday morning. :)

One thing about being a teacher is that a day off is almost never a day completely off. Plans and copies must be made; classroom desks must be organized; agendas on the board must be written.

So while I took care of all that I need to, Attie amused himself with the markers and board. Love it!

Mother’s Day Art

This is one of the few reasons I wish I taught elementary grades: all the cute-as-can-be collectible art. This piece was in Lucas’ bookbag when he came home today. So cute!

And here’s the back… A Mario Brothers special Bowser’s Flower picture! Check out Mario with the purplish-red hat and Luigi with the green one. :)

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you moms out there! And special prayers this weekend for all the mothers who have lost their babies of all ages…

Blue-Eyed Girl

I found this today when I was organizing arts and crafts stuff. Pretty sure I did it last fall. I don’t really know what inspired it; she’s way different than most people I draw. More cartoonish. I kinda like it.

As If I Had a Choice :P

First thing this morning, Lucas had a comic to share with me.

“Look, Mommy, I drew you when I was in your belly. You were thinking about if I would have a square head or a round head.”

Very interesting! And perplexing!

You know this doesn’t really happen this way, right? Yeah, he knows.

Attie wanted to know why the guy has arms where his ears should be. Those are thought bubbles, Lucas said, not arms.

The picture didn’t make it long before Atticus had stripped it clean. This is actually the second version of it, since the first was gone before I’d taken a picture.

Later, we told Kevin about it. “I see she picked square,” he quipped.

And then ensued a lengthy discussion on whether or not Lucas favors the dentist from “Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer,” Shermy, complete with Google search. (A little bit, though not in head shape. :P)

I <3 my boys!

50/365: Atticus’ Kids Period

Picasso had his Blue and Rose periods; El Greco had his Cretan and Italian periods.

Four-year-old Atticus is now in his “Kids Period.”

Every time he breaks out the paper and markers or crayons, he’s drawing kids. Kids with candy. Kids with bumps on their heads. Kids with one arm. Purple kids. Blue kids. Green kids. Kids under clouds. Kids under the sun.

I asked him why he loves to draw kids.

“Everybody likes kids,” he shrugged.

When Atticus draws a picture, he wants me to write down its name, the date, his name, and the person he’s decided to give the picture to. These two are for Kevin’s aunt Melanie and her daughter Kelsey.

Colored Pencil Girl

I found this today when Atticus and I were looking through paper to find some more for his work.

I did it sometime last fall, I think. It’s in colored pencil.

And before you ask — it’s nobody.

I can’t draw somebody in particular to save my life, but I can draw somebody who sorta looks like somebody could look.

Kevin said he thought her eyes look alive, like they’re looking at you. I thought that was pretty cool!

Village Murals

We were headed toward Washington Square Park, guitar in tow, ready to play some music for our favorite black squirrels.

Or at least we meant to be headed that way. Even after six NYC visits together (and two before that for me), we still find it quite easy to find things we never meant to see on the way to someplace we think we’re headed but really aren’t.

And then, we saw this awesome trio of murals, which were painted by Rico Fonseca, “the artist of Greenwich Village.” (It’s on West 3rd Street at MacDougal. Here’s a picture of the whole set.)

Here are the other two:

And here’s a video about the artist: