Tag Archives: Catholicism

Rejoicing at the Death of Osama?

NOTE from Jo: This is Kevin’s first post here!!!!

I looked at the internet to see what the “news” was saying. Frankly, I have a very difficult time believing anything that comes from the mouth of our president. He is the most pro-death president in the history of our young country. He seems to be pretty much the opposite of me. He is pro-death, pro-homosexuality, pro-war, and seemingly anti-marriage and anti-God.

The people that signed Roe vs. Wade into law are bigger terrorists than Osama could have ever been. Those people are directly responsible for upwards of fifty million deaths, probably closer to sixty million. They killed all of those babies and made us support it financially. The taxpayers of this country are still being forced to pay for Planned Parenthood. 98% of what they do leads parents to commit murder. A more accurate name for them would be Planned Barrenhood. They have no interest in adoption. They are abortion mills (murder factories) more horrible than any concentration camp and more successful in their treacherous terror.

Back to Osama. Let’s assume for a moment that Osama is actually dead. This is a pretty daring assumption considering the trustworthiness of the news and our leaders. How much can you trust someone who is not led by the Creator? How much can you trust someone who is absolutely against the Church and everything it stands for? What’s interesting is that people who do not trust Obama and even hate him, automatically believe him when he says that someone else they hate is dead. And why do they hate Osama? Is it because he is/was supposedly evil. To my knowledge, not one single person that I know has ever met Osama bin Laden. No one I know knows/knew him. The only source we have to feed our hatred of him is what we are fed by the media and our government.

This reminds me of the Cold War days that I grew up in. Some people in our country believed that the citizens of the U.S.S.R. loved us and wanted us to come in and save their country. Isn’t that the mindset we seem to always have? You may be surprised to know that this concept is often far from the truth. Governments are spin doctors. The U.S. was convincing us to hate the U.S.S.R. while the U.S.S.R. was convincing their people to hate us. This is the way that war and propaganda work. People always say that there are two sides to every story. I say that there are at least three: yours, mine, and the absolute truth without our personal (often unaware) manipulations.

The truth of the matter is that God has told us that we can’t hate anyone, including Osama. If we are the Christians that we like to think we are, we have to want love, peace, and happiness for all, including Osama. We have to hope and desire that he goes to heaven. All the Catholic Churches in the world should pray for the repose of the soul of Osama bin Laden this coming Sunday. The Church is to be the example for everyone else to follow. As Christians, we are to desire that Osama repented of his sins and turned to Christ as his savior before he died.

News Alert: If he did repent and accept the Lord as his savior before he died, Osama will be in heaven. You see, the problem is that people really don’t believe what they say they believe. They say they believe that anyone can be forgiven if they are truly repentant and ask God’s forgiveness. But they really only believe this if the person is not too bad by their standards. God would forgive stealing a piece of candy from the store, but he wouldn’t forgive murder, or sexual assault (especially on a minor), or whatever someone deems to be horrible in their own opinion. But your opinion doesn’t change much of anything. It definitely doesn’t change what the truth is.

Mortal sin is mortal sin is mortal sin. No exceptions. You may think that not following Church teaching on something like fasting on Good Friday or not going to Church on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation is not nearly as big a deal as molesting a child. What about adultery? It seems that lots of people don’t seem to think that’s a big deal. After all, it is sex between consenting adults. Of course, they don’t think about the other spouse at home who does not consent, or of God who doesn’t consent. Is Osama so much worse than we are?

There are millions of murderers in this United States. Yes, I said murderers. They’re not murdering people who they don’t even know. Unfortunately, the most likely person to molest you and/or kill you is your parent, not some “terrorist.” How sick is that? We are a sick race in dire need of God right here and now. Maybe we should get the plank out of our own eye instead of being so quick to examine the one in Osama’s eye.

Maybe we’re all terrorists in our own way. Maybe you’re terrorizing your wife by not treating her like you should, or by cheating on her. Maybe you’re terrorizing your children by teaching them false doctrines. Maybe you’re teaching them that it really doesn’t matter what you do as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.

Wake up!!! Everything we do affects someone else. Yes, even if you do it behind closed doors where no one else sees. You are still sinning and affecting the world. You cannot hide from God. Are you teaching your child that it’s okay to kill a baby, or to be with someone of the same sex? We are held responsible for what we do and for how we guide our children.

Someone said that it was God’s will that Osama be killed on May 1st. That seems utterly ridiculous to me. First of all, we rarely know God’s will. All we can do is study the Bible and try our best every day to be true to the Trinity and the Church. Why would it be God’s will for Osama to die? Is it because we have decided that he is evil and that he should die? Is it because we hate him? If His will was for Osama to die on May 1, 2011, I can only logically concur that God’s will must have been for Osama to live all of the days prior to May 1st.

This is really a dangerous line of thought. We can easily become theologically confused in such matters. If someone walks up to you today and shoots you in the head, was that God’s will? We base what is God’s will on what we like and dislike. See, if we hate Osama, then it is God’s will that he died. What about someone who dies in a car crash at the age of 16? Is it God’s will that they die? Most people I encounter would think that it wasn’t. We like that person, so it couldn’t have been God’s will that they die. Or some people turn against God because of His will being something that they couldn’t deal with.

The theological principle of double predestination states that your destiny will be your destiny no matter what you do. In other words, Osama was going to die yesterday no matter what he did, even if he were a good and holy Christian. His fate of heaven or hell was also decided from the beginning of time. This thinking is dangerous because it follows that it really wouldn’t matter what we did if our end result was guaranteed one way or the other from the beginning. This heretical teaching strips us of one of the gifts that God gave us to help us grow. That gift is free will.

Predestination states that God does have a plan for all of us, but we’re not necessarily bound by God’s control to follow it. We have free will to choose it, or not. There really can’t be true love without free will. If we only loved God because we had no choice, it really wouldn’t be love at all. I firmly believe that God’s plan was for Jo to be my wife, but she still has free will which means that she could have ignored God’s plan and told me to go away. I’m very thankful that she did follow God’s plan, but she wasn’t forced to by God. If you have to make someone love you, it’s not love at all.

The truth is God allows evil people to be. If He wanted someone to die, He would only have to remove His hand from them. The scourges of society are potential saint makers. Dealing with someone who is “evil” can lead you toward being an evil, despising, hateful, warmongering person, but it can also help you to see the flaws in yourself and influence you to strive harder to achieve holiness. The evils we encounter, whether they be evil persons or situations or illnesses, help to refine our souls into the purity that we must attain in order to see God in heaven. We are born impure and we must have trials and fire to burn out our impurities. We cannot wish that anyone dies or goes to hell or suffers in any way. To do so would be evil and against God.

God is love. Where love is, God is. Where love is not, God is not. Hatred and love cannot exist in the same place. We must decide who we will follow. To follow the path of love is to follow God. To follow the path of hatred and unforgiveness is to follow the evil one. To paraphrase my hero, Blessed Pope John Paul 2, we must win with love. Evil will devour itself. Unless we win with love, that evil will just come back over and over under a different name.

Be aware that I am not defending Osama in any way. I just think that our perspective is very warped.

Mother Angelica

Yesterday morning, while cooking pancakes and “soft scrambled” eggs (Kevin’s fave!), I listened to the audio of an episode of EWTN’s “Mother Angelica Live” from the ’80s on the (very cool!) Stitcher app I recently downloaded on my Droid.

I just love her frank manner! Sometimes, she is downright in-your-face about things (deservedly so), but in her sweet Grandma voice, it’s head-shaking irony.

Here’s one great example:

“The priest tells you there’s no hell? Well, you’ll meet him there.”

Mother Angelica, who founded EWTN, hasn’t been working for a while now, after having numerous strokes. I hope you’ll pray with me for her recovery.

Atticus Sings the Gloria :)

This is one of the songs we sing in church every week, except during Lent and Advent, the “Gloria.”

Four-year-old Attie’s been singing it for a while now, but it wasn’t until about the first week in March that he could get through the whole thing without any prompting. Since way before then, we’ve been hearing it at least 5-10 times a day, easy. When he’s building something or playing with his cars or superheroes, you can usually find him singing it. <3

Glory to God in the highest
and peace to his people on earth.
Lord God, heavenly King,
Almighty God and Father,
we worship you, we give you thanks,
we praise you for your glory.
Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father,
Lord God, Lamb of God,
you take away the sin of the world:
have mercy on us;
You are seated at the right hand of the Father:
receive our prayer.
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Mary, Mother of God

Mary at Sacred Heart's entrance

Today marks the first picture in my picture-a-day project, and there’s no better day to start it because today is not only the first day of the new year — 1/1/11 — but it’s also the Solemnity (or feast day) of Mary, Mother of God.

If you’re not Catholic, this may sound weird to you. It did to me not too long ago. As a matter of fact, calling Mary the “Mother of God” was one of the big things that hung me up about becoming Catholic. (We started the RCIA program to convert in August 2009 and were confirmed in June 2010.)

The only time I remember my Protestant churches spending much time on Mary at all was around Christmas, and that was mostly relegated to the kids’ nativity skit. I never even wondered why.

I really had to analyze what it means that Mary is the Mother of God. As a Christian already, I believed that Mary is Jesus’ mother and that Jesus is not only the Son of God but IS God, as well. So the fact that she’s Mother of God is simply a logical deduction.

In this new year, I hope to be able to weed out any more subconsciously ingrained beliefs I may have and be inspired to understand more about my faith through this project.

Atticus sings ‘Hail, Mary’

SIMONE MARTINI Maestà (1315, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena)

Months and months ago, a tune for the Catholic prayer called “Hail, Mary” came to me, so I’ve been singing it a lot around the house (and in the car and everywhere else ;). It didn’t take long for the kids to pick it up, especially 3-year-old Atticus, who seems to prefer singing it to saying it. (If you listen to his version above, you can definitely tell he LOVES to sing it. :)

When we started down the path toward Confirmation almost two years ago, I was confused by what I saw as the Church’s preoccupation with Mary (among other things that are posts for other days). Our kids, however, haven’t been confused at all about Mary. In fact, 5-year-old Lucas told Kevin the other day that he has two mothers, not one as he answered, because Mary is his mother, too. What a deep kid that Lukie is. :)

After a lot of study and prayer, I too came to realize that it all makes perfect sense. In the beginning of the gospel of Luke, Mary says her soul magnifies the Lord. And what does a magnifying glass do but enable us to see more clearly what was a blur through our eyes alone. Through Mary, we can know her Son, Jesus, so much better because we can see Him so much clearer. Likewise, all honor, love and respect we give to Mary is funneled right through to her Son, Jesus.

So, here’s Attie:
[audio-clammr mp3=”hail-mary-atticus-june2010.mp3″]

And now, for those of you who aren’t Catholic, here are the words to the “Hail, Mary”:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

Maybe one day I’ll post my version of this song. I’ve recorded it several times, my mouse always on the delete button. . . Here’s my version of this song. :)