This is my first attempt at using Evernote to record a piece and then share it with my website, so I’m not sure how it will work out.
I’m looking for a good (and easy) way to post audio files from my mobile. I have an awesome audio recording/editing app (Tapemachine) that I may be able to use to send to Evernote…but the file sizes have to be small and space is an issue, too, with the free version.
Plus, I want the files to be playable here. It seems improbable…
One of the songs I’ve been working on over the last month or so finally took its first baby steps this week. The half-chorus I had now has its second part (I think):
More of you, less of me
That’s the way it ought to be.
Fill me Holy Spirit, let me be your light,
shining like a candle in this cold, dark night.
Really, though, they’re just like babies in many ways, “my” songs.
I’m very attached to them, very sensitive about them, and very protective over them just like I am my babies.
And I’ve also come to know more and more that they aren’t my own production.
While my babies came to me via God and man, my songs are pure gifts from God (no matter how I’ve distorted them in the past by not acknowledging their origin or seeking to retain their original value).
I think the main inspiration for this piece of a song came from what our priest, Father Charles Breindel, said was his chosen Bible verse, John 3:30:
“He must increase; I must decrease.”
Kevin’s brought it up many times since, especially when I’ve been in a whiny mood.
(And I promise to send the audio as soon as I figure out my WiFi issue… It’s really sweet, sweet like I used to avoid like crazy.)
Wow. 2010. It’s been five years, but I’m adding a recording of this sweet little chorus.
I found this file when I was sending all of my Voice Record files to Dropbox, so I’d have room to record an interview for my grad class, so it’s probably not the one from way back then, but who knows. I’m not sure why Voice Record made it into a video (MP4); maybe I did something wrong. Regardless, it plays.
And…I haven’t made any further progress on it, but I still sing it a whole lot in the car (which is probably where all of the background noise in this recording is coming from).