Tag Archives: Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney’s New Album

I pulled up Apple Music in the first few minutes of sitting in the Cookout drive-thru a little while ago. [It’s date night for Kevin and me. That means that we get the kids takeout (kids’ choice) and then we eat (almost always takeout, also) after the kids go to bed.]

Paul McCartney’s new Album, McCartney III, was on the main page of Apple Music, so I decided to listen. Lucas said he’d already listened to it when it was released last week and really liked a couple of songs (“Deep Deep Feeling” and “Slidin'”).

The first song (“Long Tailed Winter Bird”) got my attention really fast. It’s got an interesting kind-of-tribal beat with a lot of repetition (but in a good way) and cool guitar riffs.

Although the drive-thru was slam-packed, as usual, I still haven’t listened to the whole album yet. My favorite song so far, though, is “Deep Deep Feeling.” Sweet harmonies and cool piano chords.

Paul McCartney tweeted yesterday that he was going for an “empty spacey mood,” so, yeah, that probably explains why I love it. :D

Deep Deep Feeling was from a kind of jam that I had done, I’d wanted to get in a particular mood, a very sort of empty spacey mood, so I just made up stuff so it was just a combination of ideas that became an 8 minute song #TimsTwitterListeningParty #McCartneyIII

— Paul McCartney (@PaulMcCartney) December 21, 2020

Here’s the video: