Student Opinion | How Should Schools Address Bullying? –

This week’s New York Times student opinion question is one I’m sure everyone has considered.

Students: Tell us your ideas about preventing bullying — and dealing with it when it does occur. Do you think laws like the one in New Jersey will help reduce instances of bullying? What do you think teachers and schools can do to improve school culture and reduce bullying? What approaches do you think can be effective? Do you see this problem getting better, worse or staying about the same in your school or community?

via Student Opinion | How Should Schools Address Bullying? –

If you’re one of my students and want to express yourself on this topic, click on the link above and submit your answer at the NY Times website. Then, come back here and copy/paste your answer in the comments. Extra credit!!!

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12/15/11 NEW instructions for NEW posts:

To participate, follow the link above to the NY Times website, read the article, and respond in the comments there. (Remember to use your first name only at the NY Times website.)

After your comment is posted, click on the “Link” link under the date, copy the URL, and paste it into the comment box below. (Remember to use only your first name and last initial on this page below.)

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15 Responses to Student Opinion | How Should Schools Address Bullying? –

  1. Kyle G. says:

    Bullying is wrong because it is hurtful and should be treated like a crime. You should never deliberately put someone down for your or someone else’s amusement. It is wrong to hurt someone whether it be verbally or phisically, and you should not make fun of someone for something you know nothing about. You should not make fun of someone untill you have walked in their own shoes.

  2. Mychalante E. says:

    bullying can damage peoples lives forever.People commit suicide almost everyday because someone is telling them how ugly,fat,or stupid they are.In my opinion bullies should be put right in prison like the rest of the criminals.In my opinion driveing someone to commit suicide is just the same as killing them.Thats why most people end up growing up to be murders because they have so much anger inside of them that when they get older they just release it,some times even on inisent people so think about how many lives will be saved if you stop the bullying at a young age

    • mrshawke says:

      I think you’re right about the effects of bullying being much more insidious than we can see on the surface. I’m not sure that it’s what causes “most people” to grow up to be murderers, but we can’t really know. We should all be cautious about the words we use!

  3. Hunter B. says:

    Bullying is a huge deal. Many people are not aware the effects it has to kids. Bullying even occurs in adults lives. Everyone should be informed about the effect of bullying.

    • Malyk D. says:

      Bullying is one of the things where people see it, and do nothing to bring it to attention. They’ll see someone being bullied, then just walk by like nothing is happening. Even though they would hate to be in that predicament.

      • mrshawke says:

        You raise a good point, Malyk. It reminds me of an article I read some time back. That happened a long time ago, but I don’t think this tendency we have to let it be has been eradicated.

        Why do you think people allow other people to be bullied rather than stick up for them? Fear, don’t you think? Are there still people who are brave enough to stand up to the bullies? (I like to think I’m one. And I know for sure I’m married to one.)

    • mrshawke says:

      It sure does, Hunter! The bully mentality doesn’t disappear with age. You know what else? It seems to me that many people who were bullied as kids grow up to be bullies. Why do we have a tendency to become what we hate?

  4. Thomas F. says:

    I think that bullying is a very bad thing. I think that the bullies need help because they probably have a family that is very cruel. That is how they live so they live like that outside in the real world. Another reason why I think bullying occurs is because the bullies just want attention and if u give them attention there is a chance that they will stop. So the school can help the kids by having the kids be acknowledged when they do something good.

    • mrshawke says:

      I think positive reinforcement is a great strategy, Thomas. We spend a lot of time focusing on the negative, don’t we? And so many good kids don’t get enough attention. If kids are after attention, there’s no doubt which behaviors they’d be more likely to gravitate toward. Have you seen this work?

  5. Donnica B says:

    I think we can prevent bullying . Buy standing up for each other and by talking to the bullies . I think the victims should stand up for there self and so the bull that there not scared of them even thow the bully could be at a lot bigger then them.Its a good law and all but most bullys and going to care about it or think about it to be honesty. Have more fun actitves about the culture that the kids would like .  About the bullying they should just show the bullys how the victims feel . Just a change in attutide and just learn how to get along with everyone no matter the race , gender or relgion.At my school I think it will stay the same because it had been that way for years now.

  6. Ty H. says:

    Bullying is unecessary and cruel.I know people who have been effected by bullying and it can really damage a peson emotionally.I think that schools should do more to prevent bullying and see to it that it is not a part of school at all.

  7. Morgan A. says:

    I agree 100% that bullying should be illegal in all states.It is to the point that if a child is being bullied on a daily basis they commit suicide.We should really do our absoulte best to keep bullying out of our world.Not only in New Jersey should bullying be illlegal but everywhere.Alot of people think just children are being bullied but bullying is all over the world in all different age groups.This horrible act of vilolence has spreaded through out this world for many years its time for it to stop now.

  8. Ciara K. says:

    I believe that bulling is wrong, its not the right way to go about things.The Anti Bulling Bill Of Rights” is a good idea.There are so many people today in this time who are being bullied and are afraid to tell anyone. This is a sad situation and it needs to be stop. I’ve never been bullied, i can only imagine how it feels to be bullied i know it’s not a good feeling could cause low self-steem, or simply make you feel as if you not important or you have no meaning to life.I agree with the anti bulling law but there is no sure way to stop bulling.

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