Student Opinion | How Do You Feel About Zoos?

Here’s the question:

Students: Tell us about your zoo memories: when and where have you visited zoos, and how did they affect you? Do you agree with Mr. Siebert that we’re attracted to zoos to feel our kinship and commonality with animals, but also to feel the “bittersweet blend of awe and loneliness we humans feel over being the only animal who can look back at all the others and capture them?”

Many zoos, including the Bronx Zoo, have evolved as scientists learned more about animal behavior, psychology and needs. Do you think this is enough, or do you think, as do some quoted in this piece, that zoos “enslave” animals regardless of how and where they’re kept?

via Student Opinion | How Do You Feel About Zoos? –

And here’s how to participate:

Follow the link above to the NY Times website, read the article, read through the comments, and respond in the comment box. (Remember to use your first name only at the NY Times website.)

After your comment is posted (you may have to wait a while), click on the “Link” link under the date, copy the URL, and paste it into the comment box below. (Remember to use only your first name and last initial on this page below.)

Posting a link to your well-thought-out response is worth 10 points extra credit.

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33 Responses to Student Opinion | How Do You Feel About Zoos?

  1. Ciara K. says:


  2. Latrell L. says:

    Zoos don’t seem bad at all to me. I enjoy it every time I go. It always seems like an experience. Learning about animals is somewhat entertaining. I prefer looking at the things they do. I always have a good time going to the zoo though. I usually go to the Asheboro Zoo in North Carolina. The zoo has a lot of fun things to do. For example, they have a movie theater and a roller coaster built into one machine. But overall, I think zoos are great.

  3. Mindy says:

    Ever since I was a little girl, I have enjoyed going to zoos. Some zoos are bigger than others. The New York zoos are HUGE! There are so many animals there. I think the panda is really unique. I like every animal though. Its pretty sad how a lot of these animals are endangered. If more people come to see these animals in zoos, they would probably care more about these amazing animals. Then, my kids and my kids kids, and my kids kids kids will be able to see them.

  4. Caleb says:

    The zoo is a great place to visit when you are young. There are lots of animals to visit. There are animals from all around the world. It also benefits the adults because they get lots of excercise. Though most of the animals are interactive at the zoo the tigers and lions are not. All they do is lay down in the shade whenever i go to the zoo. My best zoo memory was when we got to see the snake during feeding time. My family watched it eat a mouse. It was kind of nasty though.

  5. Caleb M. says:

    The zoo is a great place to visit when you are young. There are lots of animals to visit. There are animals from all around the world. It also benefits the adults because they get lots of excercise. Though most of the animals are interactive at the zoo the tigers and lions are not. All they do is lay down in the shade whenever i go to the zoo. My best zoo memory was when we got to see the snake during feeding time. My family watched it eat a mouse. It was kind of nasty though.

  6. Tre N says:

    zoos are the best. the best one is the jacksonville zoo. there are so many animals. some you need binoculars to see. overall, zoos are cool.

  7. Tre N says:

    zoos are the best. ever since i was a liitle kid ive loved going. i think that its a good way to learn about the other spieces in the world. the best one is jacksonville zoo. it has so many animals. some you need binoculars to see. zoos area good family trip to take too.

  8. george roos says:

    Zoos are great in my opinion. I remember having fun every time I’ve been to one. It’s great especially for families with young children to experience going to the zoo together. Other than being just fun it’s also very informative for people who don’t know much about non-native and/or native animal species.

  9. Dadrian C. says:

    Zoos are awesome place to learn and have fun. the zoos I visited before let you get close to certain animals.The habitats were very realistic.I think school systems should sponsor more trips to the zoo because its not only fun,but its a learning enviroment.

  10. Antoinette W says:

    I don’t quite remember where I went when I visited zoos . It was so long ago , about when I was a little child maybe 7 years of age. The zoos didn’t really have an affect on me, but I did enjoy seeing the giraffes and zebras. Also, I enjoyed seeing the monkeys. I think in general, zoos can and do educate humans about the animals. Some zoos have a summary by the animal’s exhibit and give background knowledge on them. That is a way of educating. Also, you get to see what the animals look like and how they interact with one another.

  11. Jack says:

    I really like to go the the zoo. I think that zoos are great places for adults and children to learn alot about animals that are not native. Also another good think about zoos are that you walk up close to the animals in something like their native habitat. But their many cons about zoos I think that the biggest one is how they take the animals out of their habitat and put them in a large cage. I think that it is okay if the animals can not live in nature.

  12. Mayra M. says:

    Zoos are very educational to all people. Little kids will learn all about animals and adults will learn about animals they never knew about. Zoos can be good field trips for kids and also a lot of fun. For example, I went to a zoo for a school field trip when I was in elementary school. I had a lot of fun and it was very educational because I learned all about what animals can do and where they live. I also went two years ago with my family,it was quite fun especially seeing my cousins running away because they were scared of the animals. The only thing I don’t like about the zoos is that it is too hot!

  13. mrshawke says:

    Taking a cue from Latrell, Houston, and Shontae, I think I may change the directions for next time and ask you to post your actual copied/pasted comment from the NY Times website in the comments box AND add the link to your comment as your “website” URL. That way, your name in the comments will link to your comment, and the actual text of your comment will be added here, as well.

    What do you think?

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